Close-Minded and Open-Minded

Understanding how we operate gives us the greatest power to become better in all that we do. In today’s post, we will look into the traits of an open-minded person from a closed-minded person. The cues presented here will enable you to tell whether you or others are being closed-minded 1. Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of being curious as to why the other person...

Disagree thoughtfully and win conversations

When two people believe opposite things, chances are that one of them is wrong. It pays to find out if that someone is you. The thoughtful disagreement comes in here, in here your goal is not to convince the other party that you are right – it is to find out which view is true and decide what to do about it. In thoughtful disagreement, both parties are motivated by the genuine fear of missing an important perspective. Exchanges...

6 Daily Magic Practices

You carry in yourself the capacity to transform your life into an electrifying magic show. But few of us recognize the latent potential in us. Here’s the thing: We regularly run emotional patterns of doubt, fear and distrust in our minds. Over a time they ingrain as an integral part of our personality. And we rehearse these constantly until they submerge into our subconscious...To enter the magic, that only the advanced minds in history were able to access, I...

The invisible rules our world

Our neurology has this extremely valuable capability to take one learning and apply it to multiple situations. This is a natural process of our sub conscious mind. It’s a natural system of our brain to constantly automate processes, there by dispelling them from our consciousness; in this way, its work will be completed faster, more effectively and at a lower metabolic level. All good change work rely on this ability of the neurology to replicate leaning in a specific...

Finding the New “ME”

I set out on my own this year with branching out into 3 business domains that I feel I will do well. Leaving the comfort of the safe and predictive pay cheque, which would land itself into my bank savings account on on the 1st of every month, was a tough call. But the vision to contribute through my small wins and failures (experience) and talent was so vivid that the shadows of doubt withered away in no time....

Increase your awareness!

Here are some simple suggestions on how to be mindful daily ( be aware) : Awaken Mindfully: Breathe easily, peacefully, and effortlessly. Use the simple art of breathing to bring your awareness to the present moment. Focus your attention on the in-breath and the out-breath. When you breathe in and out mindfully, you bring your mind and body together to be truly present. Spend as little as two minutes after you awaken every day to be mindful. Breath has a deep...

6 things “Experts”​ do !

Expertise depends on the ability to perceive features that others do not normally notice or recognise as important. All world class sportsmen, successful leaders, thinkers, business owners have this " ability to perceive" as their innate nature. We too can become experts in our field by application of the technique called “Deliberate Practice” Deliberate practice is characterised by a high degree of focused effort to develop specific skills and concepts beyond ones current abilities. For example playing basketball give us...

Who needs a professional coach? Certainly not you. Right? Wrong.

It’s time to have a real conversation about the value of professional coaching for leaders who are stepping onto the field to repair our broken world. Feeding the hungry, advocating for others, offering a bed and a hot meal to the homeless, researching cures for an illness, supporting a team working on a suicide hotline, or fighting to protect our rights in today’s climate: This is some of the hardest work there is. New leaders at organizations confronting these challenges...

Why do negative comments stick with us and not the positive ones?

A critique from a boss, a disagreement with a colleague, a conflict with a friend – the wound from any of these can make you forget a month’s worth of prais. If you’ve been called lazy, careless, or a disappointment, you’re likely to remember and internalize it. It’s somehow easier to forget, or discount, all the times people have said you’re talented or conscientious or that you make them proud. A critique from a boss, a disagreement with a colleague,...

Expand people capability through coaching

As a leader in any capacity you have acquired a lot of knowledge and experience. Coaching is the single most important part of expanding not only yours but others capabilities too. I am sure you must have heard this phrase ‘give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime”. That’s coaching! It’s the difference between giving people orders and teaching people how to...